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Sexauer FT-15/07

Started this the week of November 12, 2007
(See it finished on page 2)

I think of this as my most aesthetically evolved design, I haven't felt compelled to change the template for several years! It is very close to Martin's OM conceptually, but done in my own style throughout. This one is Malaysin Black wood and Italian Alpine Spruce. I will update the photos as the guitar progresses. It is available at the moment.
Early Friday. I don't use molds! Things have to fit very well for me to get away with this, as this side does.
In the violin world moldless construction is sometimes called "building in the air". Sounds like magic.
Late Friday. These little hand split spruce blocks are called "peone", and are individually placed, about 60 to a side.

Saturday morning and I've got both sides and all the peone in.

Still not noon, and the ribbons are in.

The tapered Snakewood backstrip is in, and soon the maple framing strips will follow.
The center of the back has been scraped to clean up the backstrip, the rest only sanded.
The Go-Bar Deck is a wonderfull thing!

Saturday Mid-afternoon. This'd be faster if I wasn't using hide glue, I guess.

OK, it's Saturday night and dinner's any minute.

Now it's on to the next box, the Companion. I'll bind them when all three are at this stage.

I tie my binding on 1/4 at a time, this being the first quarter. 

Here's the first coat on the back of the box

(Continued on page 2)

This webite and most of it's contents are the property of Bruce Sexauer. Please seek permission for reuse. C1997 - 2007

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