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 Sexauer FT-0 in 2010?

No, it's a JB-0, the first!


Italian Spruce over Tucarensis HRW, Oil Varnish.

This is my first Sexauer Guitar for 2010, and I am doing a little risk-taking. I am having great luck with my "0" guitars, and expect this one will be right in there. Several firsts are being applied, however, and so the jury is out until I put the strings on. This is my first JB, or fully asymmetric, "0". It is also my first sound port guitar of any size.It has been 30 years since I made an other than round sound-hole, like this has.My first "0" size WRX.
This one has a 4 piece back and no center strip. I dare you to try to find the joins. The top is an absolute first rate Italian Spruce top, but as a piece was broken off an edge in storage, I used it on this guitar as the center seam does not go down the center.  I expect completion around February 1, 2010.
The fingerboard is Ebony bound Ebony.
Waverly tuners.

Two angles show most of the idea:

Here's a shot with the pickguard.

I made this sketch at the prompting os my customer, Michael Ng.


This webite and most of it's contents are the property of Bruce Sexauer. Please seek permission for reuse. C1997 - 2009

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