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Current Projects:


  • Looks like I will appear at 4 festivals in 2020.  Bowersox International Guitarapalooza is late March. (B.I.G.(er) than last year, is more like a party in many ways, but is the most fun show of the 200 or so I've participated in.
  • La Conner, WA will happen in May. Linda will accompany me again as the town made us feel like we were on a honeymoon. We'll drive up and back and take a week without the dog to do it.
  • Grass Valley Bluegrass Festival isn't technically a Guitar Festival either, but with 4 days, 20 luthiers, 3000 pickers, and plenty of business over the years, I treat it as one. Try it.
  • And then, in late October, the Woodstock Invitational Luthiers Show, WILS. Woodstock has become the top show in the US handbuilders circuit, anbd I am delighted to have been invited to participate onec again.

  • 2019 found me slowing down a bit, and in September I had my Heart's Aortic valve replaced with a tissue valve. In my case, that is code for "Pig". I also had double bypass surgery. I have recovered nicely and am complaining about my back more than my heart. If you are thinking of voting for Bernie and feel he has a heart health risk, my condition is vastly more serious, and I have a projected probable life expectancy of 16 years.

  • I keep seeing people unwilling to order custom guitars because of  long wait lines. People somethimes make assumptions and fail to actually inquire. Although my list is currently just 5 months long, I recommend to most  customers that it is a good idea to discuss the deatils of their build for 6 months before cutting wood. A guitar can be many things to many people, and 6 months gives us a better shot at getting it right for YOU.
  • Partly because I like to build speculative guitars, and partly because I offer stunningly good trade-in value of my older guitars, I am currently sitting on 23 of my own pieces of guitar work. I keep of them listed on my "forsale" page, but there are usually more, as there are now.

  • JB/2 is my standard 1/2" total discrepancy MultiSacale (JB) divided by two, a 1/4" discrepance MultiScale. Ay first blush it may sound too subtle to be worth the trouble, but results bear it out as noticeably superior to convention 1 length fret sacal systems. I am a believer, and have made about a dozen examples at this point.

  • With its finish curing on my window sill is an FT-16C Penngrove JB/2 (Dalbergia tucurensis/Adirondack) which I intend to show at this year's festivals until someone buys it. You could commission something similar, but this one will be sold only at a show.
  • While it cures, I am building an FT-0C JB/2 (Cuban mahogany/German spruce) for a customer who plans to take deliver at the previously mentioned B.I.G(er) event about halfway between Austin and San Antonia in Texas.

  • A considerable time has been spent creating a List of all my instrument work since day one! Unfortunately, I didn't realize I was pursueing my lifes work for the first several years, and there is much I do not recall. Please have a look, and if you know something I haven't recorded, let me know. I have included the customers or current owners names in many cases, and if yours is there against your wishes, let me know and it will go.

  • I have written the book you may have heard me speak of, but have lost interest in publishing it. Just so you know. I may or may not pick that up again.

  • I have recently updated my Testimonials page. I resisted this kind of self-promotion for years, but it turns out people feel a lot less at risk treating themselves to my work knowing that they are not tthe only one. You are not alone!

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  • Thanks to all of you! Bruce Sexauer