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2010 Sexauer FT-0-JB

This is my third guitar for The Acoustic Music Copmpany, UK

Made from Malaysian Blackwood and topped with German Spruce notable for have a lot of compression grain, the dark streaking in the top. This caused the top to be stiffer that otherwise, and makes for a very pure and strong taptone. As I expected, this guitar has terrific volume and the treble is outstanding and sparklig, even though my MultiScale treatment has shortened the treble strings in the interest of sweetening the treble component. I spent some energy addressing the bass in this guitar as it could have been lost, but was not.
I have put a fully traditional "Martinesque" pyramid bridge on, except that it has been trapazoidalized!


This website and most of it's contents are the property of Bruce Sexauer. Please seek permission for reuse. C1997 - 2007

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