Home/ Flat tops/ Arch tops/ Pictures/ Inventory/ Music/ Current/2010 Sexauer FT-0-JB #1870310 "Companion" |
This is my third guitar for The Acoustic Music
Copmpany, UK
Made from Malaysian Blackwood and topped with German Spruce notable for
have a lot of compression grain, the dark streaking in the top. This
caused the top to be stiffer that otherwise, and makes for a very pure
and strong taptone. As I expected, this guitar has terrific volume and
the treble is outstanding and sparklig, even though my MultiScale
treatment has shortened the treble strings in the interest of
sweetening the treble component. I spent some energy addressing the
bass in this guitar as it could have been lost, but was not. |
This website and most of it's
contents are the property of Bruce Sexauer. Please seek permission for
reuse. C1997 - 2007