2010 Sexauer Dreadnaught
I imagine I
make a dread each year, but perhaps
I skipped one or two.
I do go the Bluegrass Festivals some, and it is best to take a dread
along as that is the guitar currency of that realm.
This one is new growth Brazilian Rosewood and very high quality
Adirondack Spruce. I did it up as a D-28 in the pre-war style except
for a couple of things. I used the modern backstrip as I didn't know
any better. I also wedged it a little because if I have to play it at
all that will make it possible for me to do so for more than 20 minutes
before my back starts to cramp up.
A year after completion I noticed I had used my Advance Jumbo pattern,
so it is not quite as Martinesque as I had originally intended. Perhaps
it is worth more as a result! It is what it is, and the word "Cannon"
does apply handily.

The follwing are pictures
of the first
coat of Oil Varnish taken January 27, 2010.
The color is pretty accurate on my screen in the burst.
I digitally lightened the back photo so you can see the grain.
The binding/graft picture is again about right. This wood is very dark. |
This website and most of it's
contents are the property of Bruce Sexauer. Please seek permission for
reuse. C1997 - 2007